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Book:  This Is Marketing

Author:  Seth Godin

Purchase:  PrinteBook | Audiobook

Citation:  Godin, S. (2018). This is marketing. New York, New York: Portfolio/Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.

"Ah Ha" Moments and Key Takeaways:

Persistent, consistent, and frequent stories, delivered to an aligned audience, will earn attention, trust, and action. (pg. 12)


Always be wondering, always be testing, always be willing to treat different people differently. If you don't, they'll find someone who will. (pg. 160)


There are three elements to the magic of online advertising: 1) You can reach people more precisely online than in any other medium, 2) You can reach people instantly, and 3) You can measure everything. (pg. 168)


We remember the things that we see again and again. That we do over and over. There are obvious evolutionary reasons we're optimized for this. We have to prune memories relentlessly, and the easiest memories to prune are the ones that are random noise. We remember the events we have photos for in our family scrapbook, but don't remember the events that weren't photographed. It has nothing to do with the act of taking a picture and everything to do with rehearsing our story, the one we tell every time we see that picture. (pg. 175)


Permission marketing recognizes the new power of the best consumers to ignore marketing. It realizes that treating people with respect is the best way to earn their attention. Pay attention is a key phrase here, because permission marketers understand that when someone chooses to pay attention they actually are paying you with something valuable. And there's no way they can get their attention back if they change their mind. Attention becomes an important asset, something to be valued, not wasted. (pg. 190)


One of the key drivers of permission marketing, in addition to the scarcity of attention, is the extraordinarily low cost of connecting people who want to hear from you. Drip by drip, message by message. Each contact is virtually free. Once you earn permission, you can educate. You have enrollment. You can take your time and tell a story. Day by day, drip by drip, you can engage with people. Don't just talk at them; communicate the information that they want. (pg. 191)


Every publisher, every media company, every author of ideas needs to own a permission asset, the privilege of contacting people without a middleman. (pg. 191)


When we use a social media platform because it has plenty of users built in, we're not really building an asset. Sure, for now you can reach your followers on this platform. But over time, the platform makes money by charging you. If permission is at the heart of your work, earn it and keep it. Communicate only with those who choose to hear from you. The simplest definition of permission is the people who would miss you if you didn't reach out. (pg. 193)


What is a new loyal customer worth to a supermarket? If all we do is calculate the profit on a single trip to the store, it's only a dollar or two. Supermarkets have very low margins. But what if the person becomes a regular shopper? Over five years that could be work fifty thousand dollars in sales. Even at a 2 percent profit margin, it means there's a thousand dollars in profit from each new customer over time. Then if they tell other people about the store, they become much more valuable, because they become your engine for growth. It means a supermarket ought to quickly give an apology and refund a customer who's upset about a four-dollar melon not being ripe. It's hardly worth a thousand dollars in lost sales to have an argument. (pg. 207)



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